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November 5, 2015

Our Personal Mirage : Strengths & Potential

Yesterday evening, while browsing LinkedIn I noticed this quote. This update has an interesting comment from one of my ex-colleague - "Fantastic - though even the first one is something that people take for granted and never realize its FULL potential. How many times in your life have you been praised enthusiastically (making you feel deeply embarrassed) for your strengths?"

This comment created a thread of thought process.

We don’t understand who we are and what our strengths are. We are aware of and realize only a fraction of our potential.

Insecurity from lack of appreciation of our strengths. Low self esteem because of unawareness makes it hard for us to appreciate others for what and who they are. Making us unduly competitive, unappreciative and demanding of others.

We keep living our life as lost person in dessert who keeps chasing mirage in search of water. Our personal mirage is caused by cooler air of “what we think of us”,also known as comfort zone and hotter air of our potential, i.e., “who we are”.

Our challenges and failures come from “whatever it takes” and life time of conditioning - “best way to make a line smaller is by drawing bigger one”. We put too much pressure on ourselves constantly comparing to others. We never take a breath to appreciate and enjoy what we have and our strengths.  It’s far more rewarding to leverage your strengths compared to overcoming limitations.

Big challenge in retaining personal or organizational leadership (overcoming limitations) is in understanding Smart people & ideas are grounded in information & facts, requiring people to interact with patience.

You have responsibility for your world (perception, point of view and so on). Don’t let others shape your point of view. This is ignorance. When you do your tasks by appreciating there are many forces at work, not all under your control, this is wisdom. (What’s missing from our answers?)

Maturity is learning to walk away from people and situations that threaten your peace of mind , self respect, values, Morales or self worth.

Warm Regards,

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  1. It was a time I was convinced on this theory but after going through more in depth of reality and touching the ground I understood that everything is relative including the self esteem. You can refer at anytime for your peace of mind to your own benchmarks but we are not isolated beings, we are part of a society which time after time changes the way of appreciating things. This way we are subject of benchmark changes which effect our self esteem and social recognition at the environment we live, work or interact. It sometimes makes you feel normal, sometimes overqualified, sometimes under min requirements. To summerize I think we always have to take into consideration the way our ligue, society, group we belong, emvironment we live evaluate certain features of us in order we either get addapted or change while it is wrong to be closed in yourself only and make your self appreciation and feel happy as for your benchmarks. You have to have your own standards of course but those should be always in correlation with outside benchmarks and this will assure a peace of mind to enjoy what we have achieved and got recognition of those we want to get the attention and appreciation

  2. Valuable perspective. thank you for sharing your thoughts.
